Is That Mold on My Eyeshadow? How to Keep Your Eye Makeup Safe and Clean

Is That Mold on My Eyeshadow? How to Keep Your Eye Makeup Safe and Clean

If you’ve been scrolling through social media lately, you might have noticed a trend that’s causing quite a stir—people sharing photos of their eyeshadow palettes with suspicious white fuzz. Could it be mold? Unfortunately, the answer might be yes. Eye makeup can be a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, leading to eye irritation or even infections. 

Why you should be cautious with eye makeup 

The area around your eyes is sensitive, and using contaminated products can pose serious risks. Studies have shown that products used around the eye can be frequently contaminated. A 2008 study found bacteria contamination in 36.4% of mascara tubes in just 3 months. To reduce the risk of exposing your eye to dangerous bacteria or fungus with makeup wear, here are some best practices: 

  • Replace your products regularly: Eyeshadows should be swapped out every 6-12 months, while mascara should be replaced every 3 months. This reduces the chance of using contaminated products. 
  • Never share makeup: Sharing makeup can transfer bacteria and fungi from one person to another. Keep your makeup personal to minimize risks. 
  • Use clean applicators to apply eyeshadow: Always use clean brushes or applicators to apply eyeshadow. Clean your makeup brushes weekly with an eye-safe facial cleanser. To disinfect, spray them with a hypochlorous solution. At TrueVision Eye Care, we offer Avenova cleansing spray, which kills 99.99% of pathogens within 60 seconds. 

Does your makeup irritate your eyes? 

If you experience eye irritation when wearing mascara or eye makeup, consider trying products that are specifically designed to be gentle on your eyes. Eyes Are The Story offers an eye-friendly line of products in accordance with international standards to reduce dry eye and irritation. These products are formulated to care for your eyes while keeping you looking your best. 


Keeping your eye makeup clean and replacing it regularly can help you avoid eye infections and irritation. Your eye health is worth the effort, and a few simple changes in your makeup routine can make all the difference. If you have any concerns about eye irritation or need advice on choosing the right products, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at TrueVision Eye Care in Raleigh and Morrisville.